Maximum EMail Flexibility with MH

These are the slides for my talk on 2 November 1993 at the Email World conference in Santa Clara, California.

Summary: Most email agents can be customized somewhat, but MH is a set of public-domain programs that can be customized to do almost anything. There are several ready-to-use MH interfaces. MH utilities can also run other UNIX programs--and vice-versa. The result is a flexible, capable system unlike any other.

The slides are in individual PostScript files. You can get all these slides as a gzipped tar-format archive: emailworld_19931102.tar.gz.

Introduction, MH Design

  1. Maximum EMail Flexibility with MH
  2. MH Overview
  3. MH Message Storage
  4. MH Message Storage (cont'd)
  5. MH Message Storage (cont'd)
  6. MH Message Format
  7. How MH Keeps User Preferences & Context
  8. Some of the 40+ MH Utilities
  9. Some MH Utilities Used by Other Programs
  10. Example of MH Command-line Interface
  11. Example of MH Command-line Interface
  12. Example of MH Command-line Interface
  13. Example of MH Command-line Interface
  14. Example of MH Command-line Interface
  15. xmh Interface
  16. xmh Main Window
  17. Searching for Messages with xmh
  18. Some of the Other MH Interfaces

Using MH

  1. Using MH
  2. MH Message Numbers
  3. MH Sequences
  4. MH Sequences (cont'd)
  5. MH Command-line Options/Switches
  6. Using MH Command `Versions'
  7. Making MH Command `Versions'
  8. Automate Handling of Incoming Mail
  9. Address Aliases
  10. Message Template (`components') Files
  11. Draft Folders

Programming MH

  1. Techniques for Programming with MH
  2. Using MH Utilities from Other Programs
  3. MH Program Input/Output
  4. MH Program Exit Status
  5. An Unformatted Message (without mhl)
  6. mhl Message Formatting
  7. Simple mhl Format File
  8. MH Format Strings
  9. MH Format Strings (cont'd)
  10. MH Format String Example: scan
  11. Program Example:
  12. Parsing Message Headers
  13. Combining MH with Other UNIX Utilities
  14. Combining MH with Other UNIX Utilities
  15. Customizing Message Composition/Sending
  16. Sending a Message: Step 1
  17. Sending a Message: Steps 2-4
  18. Sending a Message: Steps 5-6
  19. Simple Shell Script with MH
  20. Simple Shell Script with MH
  21. Simple Shell Script with MH
  22. Simple Shell Script with MH
  23. Your Own Interface to MH
  24. Your Own Interface to MH

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