Why Use the Z Shell?

These are the slides for my talk on 31 January 2001 at the Linux World Conference & Expo.

Summary: Linux users tend to use the bash shell. This talk covers some of the reasons you might want to use zsh, the Z shell.

You can get all these slides as a gzipped tar-format archive: linuxworld_20010131.tar.gz.

  1. Why Use the Z Shell? (Intro)
  2. Jerry Peek
  3. Overview
  4. What's a Shell?
  5. Shell "Styles"
  6. Powerful Built-in Editors
  7. Has Bourne and C Shell Syntax
  8. Many Little Nice Touches
  9. More-Powerful Globbing (Wildcards)
  10. More More-Powerful Globbing (Wildcards)
  11. (Much) More About zsh

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