Execution and Redirection

While the title of this month’s “Power Tools” is “Execution and Redirection,” it’s not about about dying and going to heaven. Instead, controlling execution and redirecting input and output is an important part of managing Linux processes.

Let’s dig into these two topics, learn the basics, and then see some shell features for managing processes that are little-known, but indispensable nonetheless.

Life as a Process

When Linux runs a program, it “spawns,” or starts, a new process to keep track of the program’s state, including the program’s current directory, environment variables, open files, and more. A process identification number, or PID, uniquely identifies each process, and each process (except for the special seed process named init) also has a parent process ID, or PPID, that refers to the process that spawned it. (A new process is often referred to as a “child,” which makes the process that spawned it a “parent.”)

You can examine processes with the ps (process status) utility. With no arguments, ps prints a list of “useful” processes, which may or may not show the process you want. You can expand or refine the list of processes with a number of ps options (see its man page), or you can look at a specific process just by specifying its PID, using ps PID or ps -p PID.

For example, your shell is just another program (albeit a complicated one), and a shell running in an xterm window is just another process. In most shells, the special variable $$ (“dollar dollar”) represents the PID of the current shell. So, the command ps -p $$ shows many of the process attributes of your current shell:

$ ps -p $$
jpeek  23560 23557 07:54 pts/3  0:00 bash

From left to right, the output above shows: the user (jpeek) that started the process; the process’s PID (23560) and its PPID (23557); the time the process started (7:54 am); the TTY (pts/3) associated with the process; the amount of CPU time consumed by the process (0 minutes and 0 seconds so far); and the name of the running program (bash).

If you want to find more about this bash shell’s parent process, 23557, just use ps again:

$ ps -p 23557
jpeek  23557     1 07:54 tty2   0:00 xterm

Here, you can see that the shell’s parent is xterm. That makes sense: when you launch xterm, it spawns a new process for the shell running in its window. (What’s process 1? That’s the PID of the system seed process, init.)

A process can spawn (virtually) any number of new processes. In fact, the shell demonstrates this perfectly: each command you run is a new process, a child of the shell. (There's one exception: commands that are built in to the shell. These usually modify the shell process itself. The shell runs built-in commands within its own process. Some of these commands are cd, set, and exit.)

For example, if you run the command sleep 30 & sleep 30 & sleep 30 &, the shell spawns three new processes, one for each sleep. You can see the results by running ps:

28925  23560  sleep 30
28926  23560  sleep 30
28927  23560  sleep 30

Processes 28925, 28926, and 28927 were spawned by 23560, the shell. Each runs sleep, dozing for thirty seconds before exiting.

Swapping Your Shell

A process, like each sleep above, typically lives a very brief (but meaningful) life: it’s spawned and then runs a program and dies. However, that isn’t the only possible sequence of events. It’s also possible for a running program to replace itself with another. No new process is created.

Indeed, you can even replace the shell you’re typing in with another program. Just use the shell’s (built-in) exec command (which is based on the features provided by the exec() family of system calls). Typing exec program at a command-line prompt replaces that shell with program.

For example, if you type exec vi myfile at the prompt, vi replaces bash. If you’re running in an xterm, when you quit vi, the xterm window closes.

Running exec from the shell can be used in other clever ways. Perhaps you’re a fan of psh, the Perl Shell (see http://www.focusresearch.com/gregor/psh/index.html), but your system administrator won’t let you use it as a standard login shell. No problem. After you log in and get a prompt from your current shell, simply type exec psh and presto! A Perl shell appears in your terminal window and keeps running until you exit, then the window closes.

You can also replace the shell with any kind of program — not just another shell. To run top and only top as root, type exec su -c top. When you (or some bad guy) quits top, the window closes, precluding foul play.

(Of course, a bad guy can still kill processes and wreak havoc with a running top, so be careful what commands you leave running and unattended. And never use this technique to run a command that can escape to a shell. For example, if you ran exec su -c vi as root, the vi command :sh can be used to spawn a new shell as root. For details on su, see the December 2002 “Power Tools.”)

Redirecting Standard I/O

In a shell, redirection means re-routing the standard input, (stdin), standard output (stdout), and standard error (stderr) from the default location, which is the terminal.

Here are some examples.

$ sed 's/^note:/NOTE:/' report
...sed output and errors appear...
$ sed 's/^note:/NOTE:/' report 2>errs | lpr

In the first command, there’s no redirection. So sed writes the edited text to stdout and writes any error messages to stderr. (sed can also read text from stdin, but here it’s reading a file named report, ignoring its standard input.)

The second command uses the shell’s 2> operator (which we’ll explain shortly) to redirect sed’s error messages to a file named errs. The command also uses the | (“pipe”) operator to redirect the edited text to the printer program lpr. So there’s no output to the terminal.

What’s happening here? When you start a process, three file descriptors (fds) are associated with the process: fd 0, fd 1, and fd 2. fd 0 is associated with stdin; fd 1 with stdout; and fd 2 with stderr. By default, all of the fds point to the device file /dev/tty, which is the shell’s terminal or terminal window.

You can redirect those three file descriptors to other places. For example, the > (“greater than”) operator sends a process’ stdout to a plain text file, to named pipes, and to any other physical file or Linux device that knows how to handle a stream of characters. The digit 2 in 2> is the file descriptor for stderr. So sed ... 2> errs redirects sed’s stderr to the file named errs. (You can actually write prog 1> file instead of prog > file, but fd 1 is the default file descriptor for the > operator.)

The < (“less than”) operator redirects the standard input of a process from a file or device. The pipe operator | redirects the standard input to a process (if you put it before a program name), or the standard output from a process (when it follows the program name).

The sidebars “Why Redirection?” and “Redirection vs. GUIs” have more about this.

Why Redirection?

What’s good about redirection? A lot. Redirection means that — unless you name a specific file on its command line — a process doesn’t need to know what file to read from or write to. It simply writes good data to fd 1, reads from fd 0, and writes any errors to fd 2. You can redirect any or all of those three channels away from the terminal if you want to, but the process doesn’t need to worry about that. Linux handles the translation between the character stream and the various types of files and devices.

Redirection vs. GUIs

Graphical (GUI) programs (ones that open their own window) have a place for input and output other than file descriptors 0, 1, and 2: the window(s) that they open. These windows are distinct from the standard I/O of a process.

So, for example, a GUI program may write an error message on fd 2. That message won’t appear in the GUI’s window, but instead appears on the stderr of the GUI process — which may be the terminal window where you started the program, the output of the program (like startx) that started the window system, or to another place.

How can you see these messages? You can start your GUI programs by typing their name in a terminal, like:

$ gimp &

Or, if you start the program from a button or menu, your window system may be able to run it “in a terminal,” where a terminal window will open, showing any text on fd 1 or fd 2. If that’s not possible, configure the button or menu entry to open a terminal window and run the GUI program from it, like this command that starts the GIMP in verbose mode:

$ xterm -title "GIMP console" -geometry 80x9-0+1 -e gimp -verbose

Or, finally, you can redirect stdout and stderr of the program that starts your window system into a log file, then watch that log file.

For instance, assuming that you use startx to start X, run one of the following command lines in a Bourne-type shell (like bash):

$ startx >$HOME/tmp/startx.log 2>&1

$ startx 2>&1 | tee $HOME/tmp/startx.log

The first redirects stdout and stderr to a file. The second does the same, but also displays stdout and stderr on the terminal where you ran startx. Then, in a terminal window on your display, you can run:

$ tail -f $HOME/tmp/startx.log

The tail -f program “watches” the log file and shows any new text. Terminate it with CTRL-C.

We’ve seen that sed ... 2>errs redirects the stderr of the sed process. What if you’d like to redirect the stderr of all processes run from your shell? Use the shell’s exec command with the redirection operators you want.

For example, exec 2> errorlog redirects the stderr of the shell itself into the file errorlog. Because the shell’s stderr is redirected to a file, the stderr of its children (the processes it spawns) also go to that file. (A child process inherits its parent’s open file descriptors.) This technique is very useful in shell scripts.

Mixing It Up

Another useful Bourne-type shell operator is m>&n. It duplicates file descriptor m from file descriptor n. In other words, it makes fd m “point to” the same file as fd n.

So, how can you redirect both stdout and stderr to the same file? As we did for startx in the sidebar “Redirection vs. GUIs”:

$ startx >logfile 2>&1

The shell reads left-to-right. First, the > operator redirects stdout to logfile. Next, the 2>&1 operator duplicates fd 2 from fd 1 — that is, it makes stderr go the same place as stdout, which is logfile.

(The order of the redirections is important! If you type 2>&1 >logfile, that would first make fd 2 go the same place as fd 1 — to /dev/tty, which is no change. Then it would redirect fd 1 to logfile, leaving fd 2 on /dev/tty.)

This is very useful for sending both stderr and stdout down a pipe. A pipe redirects only fd 1. You can use 2>&1 to make stderr go the same place as fd 1: that’s the pipe!

So, to use less to page through both the stdout and stderr of make:

$ make 2>&1 | less

The opposite is handy in shell scripts, which should write error messages to stderr. But echo writes messages to stdout. How to fix it? Add 1>&2 to the echo command line:

echo "$progname: can't read $file" 1>&2

Other File Descriptors

Other file descriptors, fd 3 through fd 9, are available, but are generally not used. With exec, you can open files and associate them to one of those fds.

For instance, use the command exec 3>logfile to open logfile as fd 3. Then you can give commands like ls 1>&3 and cal 1>&3 to append the outputs of ls and cal to logfile. logfile stays open until the shell exits or until you close it with the operator 3>&-. (This is more efficient for writing multiple command outputs to a file than repeatedly opening a file with the shell’s “append” operator >>.)

Last month’s column showed how to redirect the stdout and stderr of a loop. You can also write to fd 3 through fd 9 within a loop, then redirect that at the end of the loop. You might use this for progress messages or debugging output that you want to put into a file without affecting stdout or stderr.

For instance, you could write a for loop like this:

for file in /home/joe/*
  echo "Doing $file at $(date)" 1>&3
  ls -l "$file" 1>&4
done 3>logfile 4>ls_listings
exec 3>&- 4>&-

After the loop finishes, logfile contains the output of all the echo commands, and ls_listings has all of the ls -l listings.

These extra file descriptors can be used in other ways, too — to swap stdout and stderr, for instance. But we’ll have to leave that for another column.

Power Tip: Suspending “Chained” ssh Sessions

The November 2003 Power Tip showed how to use the sequence RETURN ~ (“tilde”) CTRL-Z to suspend an ssh or rsh login session. But using this on a “chained” session — for instance, ssh host1 and then (from host1) ssh host2 — suspends the entire session.

To drop back to the intermediate host — in our example, to suspend the connection to host2 and get a shell prompt from host1 — use two tildes, as in RETURN ~~ CTRL-Z.

Typing two tildes (~~ sends a literal single tilde ~) to the ssh process on host1. The host1 ssh will see this and suspend the connection to host2, leaving you with a prompt on host1.

Jerry Peek is a freelance writer and instructor who has used Unix and Linux for over 20 years. He’s happy to hear from readers; see https://www.jpeek.com/contact.html.

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