What’s GNU, Part Seven

Here’s the last in a series about new features of perennial utilities. This time: date, wc, du, and more.

A lot of utilities have changed since the early days of Unix. This month, let’s take one last look at new features added to a few of the most common Linux utilities, including diff, wc, du, date, touch, and sed.

What’s Different About diff

GNU diff version 2.8.1 has more than forty options. (The Seventh Edition diff had four.) Covering all forty is impractical, so let’s focus on the customizable output formats of GNU diff.

The Seventh Edition diff had its default output format and the -e and -f formats. Later, the context (-c) format was added, then came the unified (-u) format. Now diff has the -D NAME option to merge two C language files into a single file with the preprocessor directives #ifdef NAME and #ifndef NAME. Modern diff also has a series of options such as --line-format= fff, where fff is a printf()-like string, to control how diff formats difference listings. The latter series of options lets you produce almost any type of output.

Listing One shows two short files with the normal output format, the unified format, and a custom format using the line-format options.

Listing One: A sampling of different diff listing formats

$ diff old new
> line 1A
< line 3
> line 6

$ diff -u old new
— old 2006-01-16 14:35:27 -0700
+++ new 2006-01-16 14:35:52 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
line 1
+line 1A
line 2
-line 3
line 4
line 5
+line 6

$ cat /tmp/differ
diff \
-old-line-format ’

%L' \
-new-line-format '

%L' \
-unchanged-line-format='' \
old new

$ /tmp/differ


line 1A


line 3


line 6

The shell script /tmp/differ used in Listing One uses a custom listing format. The options --old-line-format and --new-line-format each have a multi-line argument: the blank lines in the arguments cause the blank lines on the output, and the %L is replaced by the line of text. The empty format for the option --unchanged-line-format means that unchanged lines aren’t output. Although you can type these multiline formats on a command line, it’s probably easier to write a little shell script.

What’s Changed in wc

The“ word count” utility, wc, has always counted lines, words, and characters in a file. The original version assumed that a character was a single byte, but newer versions have the -m option to count (possibly multi-byte) characters.

Older versions padded the counts with multiple space characters:

$ wc somefile
26 390 2706 somefile

The GNU version uses less space unless it’s reading standard input:

$ wc somefile
26 390 2706 somefile
$ echo -e “just a\ntest” | wc
2 3 12

The new version of wc also has the -L and --max-line-length options to count the longest input line (not including the newline):

$ wc -L /usr/share/dict/words
$ egrep '.{23}' /usr/share/dict/words

The longest word in the test system’s dictionary file has 23 characters, and it’s “electroencephalograph’s.” wc -L doesn’t output the filename, unless you also use another of the options, such as -w.

Disparities in du

The original du generally gave results as the number of 512-byte blocks. Later, du -k counted in 1K-byte blocks. The GNU version has the options -B and --block-size and the BLOCK_SIZE environment variable to let you choose your own scale. The block size settings also apply to GNU df and ls. For example, Listing Two first uses the default size, then 512-byte blocks.

Listing Two: Changing the default block size for GNU du, df, and ls.

$ ls -sF /usr/share/dict
total 892
892 american-english 0 words@
$ du /usr/share/dict
896 /usr/share/dict
$ export BLOCK_SIZE=512
$ ls -sF /usr/share/dict
total 1784
1784 american-english 0 words@
$ du /usr/share/dict
1792 /usr/share/dict

A series of abbreviations (listed in the info pages node“ Block size”) lets you choose units like M (Megabytes, 2^20) or MB (Megabytes, 10^6). You can also add a numeric multiplier. For instance, to show the size of /usr/bin in kilobyte (2^10), Megabyte (2^20), and 10-Megabyte (10* 2^20) units, you can type the following commands, respectively:

$ du /usr/bin
173948 /usr/bin
$ du -B M /usr/bin
170M /usr/bin
$ du -B 10M /usr/bin
17 /usr/bin

The --apparent-size option makes du work like wc -c or ls -l: it counts the number of bytes saved in the file instead of the disk usage (total size of the file’s disk blocks). For instance, Listing Three makes a one-character file named small and a huge but sparse file named big. Plain du shows that small takes an entire block (4,096 bytes) to store, but du --apparent-size shows that it only holds one byte. The big file contains nothing, but holds a lot of disk space hostage.

Listing Three: Small and big files with du --apparent-size

$ echo -n x > small

$ du -B 1 small
4096 small

$ du -B 1 --apparent-size small
1 small

$ dd bs=1 seek=2000000000000 of=big < /dev/null
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 0.000115 seconds (0 bytes/sec)

$ du -B GB --apparent-size big
2000GB big
$ du big
0 big

$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-r-r- 1 jpeek users 2000000000000 2006-01-16 18:29 big
-rw-r-r- 1 jpeek users 1 2006-01-16 18:29 small

The du option --exclude lets you give a shell wildcard pattern of files that shouldn’t be counted. The related option --exclude-from is for a filename with multiple patterns, one per line; a filename of - (a hyphen) reads the list from standard input.

So, to skip all directories and files whose names start with an uppercase English letter:

$ du --exclude='[A-Z]*'
1234 .

To skip all names ending with .doc,.ppt, and .sxc, use echo to create a newline-separated list. The shell reads every pattern until you type the closing quote. (This is harder to do if you use a C shell like tcsh.)

$ echo '*.doc
> *.ppt
> *.sxc' | du --exclude-from=-
604 .

Some of the other new options control whether symbolic links are dereferenced (showing the disk space used by what the link points to instead of space used by the link itself) or not, whether to cross filesystems, and whether to show the size of each directory separately without including subdirectory sizes.

Updates to date

date used to simply print the date in a standard format (although administrators could also use date to set the system clock). Later, you could set the output format with printf()-like specifications that start with a plus sign, like this:

$ date '+Today is %A, %B %e.'
Today is Monday, January 16.

GNU date also accepts a date string after the -d or --date option to specify what time to use. For instance, if you’re testing a program, you could make it print the time string you would get running the program at 6 PM yesterday. You can give relative times like -1 hour. It’s also handy for date conversions — for instance, finding what day of the week yesterday was (where 0 represents Sunday):

$ date -d '6 pm yesterday'
Sun Jan 15 18:00:00 MST 2006
$ date -d yesterday '+%w'

The default date output is locale-dependent. You can also choose a RFC-2822 (email)-compliant format.

$ date -R
Mon, 16 Jan 2006 19:07:57 -0700

. or an ISO 8601 format including only the date; the date and hours; the date, hours and minutes; or date, hours, minutes, and seconds. The latter three are followed by the timezone:

$ date -Idate
$ date -Ihours
$ date -Iminutes
$ date -Iseconds

Or how about Coordinated Universal (Greenwich) time?

$ date -u
Tue Jan 17 02:11:05 UTC 2006

Finally, you can display the last-modification time of a file in any format date can handle:

$ touch -t 200901020304 ts
$ ls -l ts
-rw-r-r- . 2009-01-02 03:04 ts
$ date -r ts
Fri Jan 2 03:04:00 MST 2009
$ date -r ts '+%w'

Tweaks to touch

The touch utility originally would create an empty file or change the last-modified time of an existing file to “now.” Later, the -t option let you specify any modification time in the past or future. The GNU version of touch has the same -d option as date, which lets you describe a time in words like month names, “yesterday,” relative times, and more.

Even more handy is the new -r or --reference option that lets you “copy” the timestamp from a reference file — that is, to make your file’s timestamp the same as another file. You can also use -d with the reference option to set a relative time. For example, to set the last-modification time of afile to one minute before bfile:

$ ls -l bfile
-rw-r-r- . 2006-01-16 19:40 bfile
$ touch -d'-1 minute' -r bfile afile
$ ls -l afile
-rw-r-r- . 2006-01-16 19:39 afile

The -a option changes a file’s last-access time instead of its last-modification time.

Saves in sed

sed is a “stream editor,” or an editor designed to read text from files or standard input, change contents, and write the result to standard output. But it’s often used to edit a file by redirecting output to a temporary file and using that to replace the original file. (sed uses commands like ed — which is designed for editing files, not standard input — but sed has loop, branch, and test commands that ed doesn’t.)

The new options -i or --in-place direct sed to edit files in place. If you give a suffix after the option, sed makes a backup before editing.

For instance, to edit the files afile and bfile in place, “copying” them to afile.bak and bfile.bak before editing, type:

$ sed -i.bak 's/old/new/' [ab]file

One word of caution: If you use the -i option, the backup suffix must come immediately after the option with no space between, just as shown here.

If you use one or more asterisk (*) characters in the argument to -i or --in-place, each asterisk is replaced by the current filename. So, to make the backups in a directory named bk, use:

$ sed -i'bk/*.bak' 's/old/new/' [ab]file

The backup of afile is saved as bk/afile.bak, and bfile is saved as bk/bfile.bak.

The -i option also sets the new -s option, which treats each file separately instead of (as the original sed did) one long stream. Line numbers reset in each new file, $ refers to the last line of each file, and so on.

Another handy new option is -u for minimal buffering. It’s useful when you’re trying to edit the output of a program like tail -f where data may come slowly and you want to see the results as soon as possible.

That’s All, Folks...

There are many, many more GNU utilities, but it’s time for this column to move on to a new topic. Check the documentation for any utilities you use. The info version is usually more complete than the man page to see what else is GNU.

Jerry Peek is a freelance writer and instructor who has used Unix and Linux for 25 years. He’s happy to hear from readers; see https://www.jpeek.com/contact.html.

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